Vanessa Suchar Paris-London-Miami

Passion is key to success. For over ten years and with continued enthusiasm, Vanessa Suchar has been promoting a pool of international emerging and mid-career artists with the goal of breaking through barriers to make contemporary art both compelling for sophisticated collectors, yet interesting and attainable for non-collectors.

Many people, although interested, have shied away from contemporary art. New artists and innovative works are sometimes difficult to interpret, galleries are intimidating, and many people fear they can't actually afford works that please their eye. Vanessa Suchar has overcome these challenges, and in the tradition of the well known 19th and 20th century Salons, created Le Salon For Art Collectors to present multi-medium emerging art through a different prism than the traditional white box gallery. Le Salon exhibitions are brought to life in private homes and cosy spaces in cities around the world, and present art in the spirit of education and mind expansion. In a social atmosphere, both professional and casual collectors have the opportunity to meet the artists, learn about the genesis of each creation, and imagine how a piece could look in their own home.

Vanessa curates four to five exhibitions per year in various environments, which always have a different feel. She works with artists from all over the world, many who have grown from local to international notoriety.

Currently, Vanessa organises shows mainly in London, but also in Paris, New York, Miami, Rome and Brussels. When she's not working, she is usually travelling, photo-journaling her many trips or riding around London on her vintage bicycle!

Vanessa Suchar